Tuesday 20 August 2013

Review: Dexter: Season 8, Episode 8 - Are We There Yet?


Like a stereotypical teenage boy, Zach Hamilton sits in the back of Dexter's car and mid-journey he innocently questions, "are we there yet?" Funny, I've been asking myself the same question. Dexter, are we THERE yet? Have we reached an actual, visible point of significant plot progression? Eight episodes in and finally, we have. Well, hopefully...

This week’s installment of Dexter begins at the aftermath of Cassie’s bludgeoning. Whilst Miami Metro investigates the crime scene, Dexter muses quietly over the likelihood that Zach is the culprit. After all, in the midst of Hannah McKay’s re-arrival last week, he has been somewhat distracted from newly appointed mentor duties, quite possibly leading to Zach's 'outburst'. After finding some damning evidence underneath Cassie’s fingernails, suspicions are confirmed. But of course, Zach knows everything about Dexter so turning him in is not an option. Instead, it’s time to fashion another trusty kill room and dispose of him. Not without Hannah’s help of course, who remains in the city after being promised help (in the form of a new passport and identity) from a love-sick Dexter.

Dexter and Hannah follow Zach to Florida Keys, where he has been hiding, and upon confrontation hey, it turns out Zach didn't kill Cassie after all and he even has an alibi to prove it. Contrary to popular belief, Zach was not on the run, but away vetting, stalking and fashioning kill rooms a la Morgan. He has murdered his first victim who ‘deserved’ it, and just like that, Dexter transgresses from bearing an angry vendetta to admiration over his star pupil. It’s not all A+ though as the body had not yet been disposed of. With that, Dexter and Zach disappear for a while, whilst Hannah remains in the hotel room. 

Following a tracking device placed on Dexter’s car, Deborah also arrives at Florida Keys and confronts Hannah. In arguably one of the best sequences of this week’s episode, it was refreshing to see the two hash it out and be honest with one another. To paraphrase, Hannah won’t kill Deb and Deb won’t turn Hannah in. Why? Because they both care too much for Dexter and the disappearance of either of them would hurt him. With that, Deb stops her plan to get rid of Hannah. In fact, she wonders whether to stop private investigation all together and rejoin Miami Metro. Hopefully this will follow through, as her character shines the most when investigating crime scenes with the likes of Batista and Quinn.

Zach, Hannah and Dexter travel back to Miami, stopping off at Dr. Evelyn Vogel’s for dinner. Conversing over the dining table, Vogel once again proves herself as the most interesting component of this season. She is obviously in her element, catering for psychopaths and marveling at their behavior. Her hesitation when asked what got her into her profession is of subtle poignancy, once again raising questions of her history, her motivations - something that will undeniably surface over the next couple of weeks. 

Something else to take away from this sequence is how Dexter’s bizarre familial puzzle feels almost complete. He has a loving son and sister and a figurative son and mother. Not to mention, after being persuaded to stay in Miami, he is back together with his true love, Hannah. Although, their fragmented discourse and totally awkward sex scene screams anything but true love. Nevertheless, Dexter has finally found his one big happy family. Yet I highly doubt season eight will end on such an optimistic sensibility. After all, Cassie’s murderer is still out there, with an aim to frame Zach. More importantly, so is The Brain Surgeon. 

In the final sequence of this episode, Dexter returns home to a semi-scalped and de-brained Zach, whilst the song ‘Make Your Own Kind of Music’ by Mama Cass is played. Released in 1968, this is a somewhat obvious hint that the suspect must be in their fifties or sixties no? The sequence then fades to Vogel staring at an all too familiar piece of the human brain. Is she The Brain Surgeon? Without question, it all makes an obvious linkage but by golly, a refreshing signal that finally indicates the show is heading somewhere; albeit a direction most viewers probably predicted four or five episodes ago. 

So to answer your question Zach, yes I think we are ‘there’. The show has finally regained its sense of storytelling and a path has begun to form, albeit one that still garners the opportunity to totally divert into a different direction. Yet, it would be stupid to bring in new characters that could possibly be The Brain Surgeon. Thus, we have ultimately reached a make or break moment of the series. Hopefully, now that the groundwork has been set, the few remaining episodes will be a jaw-dropping farewell with flow, finesse and sheer intensity, rather than a lacklustre and sporadic affair. 

What where your thoughts on this week's episode of Dexter? Post a comment! 

Next time...

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