Set in the 1950s, Freak Show surrounds the bizarre lives of American carnies, whose arrival in Florida strangely coincides with an emerging dark entity, threatening the lives of humans and freaks alike.
From three boobs to a bearded lady, the show appears to have it all, including its usual recurring (but nonetheless impressive) cast of Jessica Lange, Evan Peters and Sarah Paulson, in addition to Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett and newcomer Michael Chiklis.
As we approach the show's October debut, a nice array of posters (top right) and teasers have been released, including Open Wide and Twisted Smile. Whilst short, both are positively creepy, and do a great job of alluding to the maniacal characters we can expect from this season.
Just yesterday however, the show's official and full-length trailer was finally released (see below), granting us an extended look at our beloved carnies in action and unveiling the utterly bizarre, dark and voyeuristic world that we will be privy to this Autumn.
A Todd Browning masterpiece isn't likely, but hopefully American Horror Story: Freak Show will dodge the pitfalls of Coven and keep us enticed. Chant with me now, gooble gobble, one of us...
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