Tuesday 14 January 2014

Out with the Old and in with the New!

Wise Words... has been a little quiet recently but fear not, the holiday season is over and now it's back to business. So what's on the agenda for 2014? Unfortunately I'm not referring to film and television here - although a blog post on this topic is inevitable. Instead I'm referring to a few changes that will be made to this very site. 

Even though mince pies have been pretty high on the agenda of late, my thoughts have never strayed far from how to improve this little hobby of mine. First thing's first, it's time to stop the weekly television reviews. Instead I shall save all of my thoughts on our beloved serials until the very end, to produce some sort of review that encompasses the whole series. Why, you ask? Quite simply, it feels far more comprehensive that way. Of course in the mean time, you can always check my Twitter account for episodic mini-musings. 

Similarly I'm going to stop the frequent round-ups of the latest news. Yet another remake?! We get it already. You can only write so many Wise Words... on Hollywood's poaching of beloved classics, before ultimately concluding with the same sentiment - remakes are not wise. 

Those of you who have followed my blog will know that in all honesty, bits of news and weekly reviews have been my main output... so what's the focus from now on? Well it is out with the old and in with the new - gone are my weekly repeated sentiments showering Game of Thrones with praise, and farewell to internet-fueled speculation. Wise Words... will now focus entirely on film reviews, essays, retrospectives and articles. About bloody time too, as that was the original intention after all.

On that note, the first installment of this overdue resolution will be an exploration of Brian De Palma's Phantom of the Paradise - an analytical love-letter to celebrate its Blu-ray release in February. 

Following that... I have no idea. All suggestions are welcome however, so by all means - post a comment and tell me what you think. Until then, Happy New Year fellow film and television enthusiasts - here's to a cracking 2014.

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