It’s another great episode of The Walking Dead this week, as
emotional tension is rife amongst two different groups on the road. Whilst
Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob go on the hunt for medical supplies, Carol and
Rick effectively do the same but depart ways in one of the show’s most
controversial and emotional decisions.
From the off, this week marks a welcomed and refreshing
decision to take action away from the claustrophobic prison walls and into the
wild. The suburban street and veterinary college make effective backdrops for
both the emotional tension and intense walker set pieces. As Daryl, Michonne,
Tyreese and Bob continue to stock up on medical supplies, they naturally find
themselves in one or two life-threatening situations. The dark corridors and
unfamiliar territory throughout the college truly heighten the intensity and
suspense, and overall create moments of thrilling entertainment. Yet it also
feels that such surroundings make the perfect accompaniment for the group’s
emotional dynamic.
Dark shadows, hidden surprises, murky waters – all elements
of their perilous journey and representative of battles with their emotional
baggage, be it with The Governor, alcoholism or mourning the loss of a loved
one. As they fight their way through each obstacle, a little more about their
state of mind is revealed. Yet this journey was by no means cathartic, as an
overwhelming presence of anger and vengeance remain and will no doubt become
exacerbated once they notice Carol’s disappearance... and the reason for it.

After deliberating her reasoning and witnessing the occasional
moment of heartfelt compassion, Rick makes the controversial decision to
exonerate her from the group. Providing her with supplies and a car, he firmly
requests that she go elsewhere, find a new group or survive it alone. The
ramifications of this decision could be monumental, given the groups high
opinion of Carol. Not to mention, Rick’s farming habits have signaled a firm
end of the ‘Ricktatorship’, leaving tough decisions to be made by the council, a
group of leaders with whom he hasn't consulted.

Two groups, two emotional confrontations - yet whilst Daryl
et al., provide the majority of the action in a refreshing and effective setting,
Rick and Carol take centre stage. Their emotional confrontation provides the
episode with its most compelling, heartfelt and through-provoking material, resulting in a decision that will no doubt incur a reaction far from indifferent in the upcoming weeks.
What were your thoughts on this episode? Post a comment!
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