Flashback two years and we have the second piece of evidence
to prove that Gideon is not the Ripper - Miriam. As a prime student Crawford nominated her to be part of the investigative team when the Ripper was
at large. This however, went horribly wrong. So much so in fact,
that Miriam died – the guilt for which plagues Crawford to the present day as
he is continuously haunted by voicemail messages from her. Who is
leaving the voicemails? Is it actually Gideon? Or is he just an adversary? If
so, for whom? Whilst we know the inevitable answer to such questions, this
narrative enigma strand is so wonderfully written, the
intermittent teasing throughout the episode is somewhat enthralling.
In one last desperate attempt to encourage the Ripper to
show himself, Graham and Crawford contact their favourite journalist, Freddie
Loundes. She publishes a piece assigning Gideon as the Ripper in order to
enrage the true culprit. It works – Dr. Lecter’s rage overtly exudes from his
eyes as he slams his laptop shut. His shining moment arrives at the end of the
episode though. Throughout he has been manipulating as ever, teasing the guilt over
Miriam out of Crawford. Whilst both drink by the fire divulging thoughts on
her loss, the episode reaches its final flashback – Miriam’s meeting with Dr.
Lecter. It ends in a violent and throttling manner as the shoes come off and the
throat grabbing begins.
Bar one or two impaled bodies, this week was relatively gore free. Instead we were treated to a more enigmatic storyline,
intermittently teased whilst we revelled in the hyperdiegetic world of Harris’
novels. Performances were strong as usual although in comparison to previous
weeks, Graham remained in the background. Instead it was ‘Socio-path Idol’ in
which finalists Dr. Lecter and Dr. Gideon were proverbially pitted against one
another. Dr. Lecter won out however for having the most potential. His weekly
increase of violence and intensity (exemplified in this episode) continues to heighten every
bit of anticipation for his next move... and his next dish.
What were your thoughts on this week's episode? Post a comment!
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