It’s happening folks, Clive Barker is returning to the
Hellraiser franchise. Sound a little familiar? Well of course – he made an
announcement of the same stature in 2006, when first offered a chance by the
Weinstein’s to write a screenplay for the Hellraiser remake. Although this didn't get very far and seemingly hit a dead end, presumably over Dimension’s
decision to aim for a PG-13 rating.
What can I tell you about it? Well, it will not be a film awash with CGI. I remain as passionate about the power of practical make-up effects as I was when I wrote and directed the first HELLRAISER. Of course the best make-up in the world loses force if not inhabited by a first-rate actor. I told the Dimension team that in my opinion there could never be a Pinhead without Doug Bradley, and much to my delight Bob Weinstein agreed. So once the papers are signed, I will open a Lemarchand Configuration, dip my quill in its contents and start writing. I promise that there will be nowhere on the Internet where the news of my progress will be more reliable than here, because the only author of these reports will be Your Infernal Corespondent, me. My very best wishes to you all, my friends.
However, on October 24th of this year, Barker made another official statement on the matter. He declared that once again, the puzzle box will be re-opened and has pitched a remake of the first
Hellraiser film to Bob Weinstein. It was a successful pitch at that, as he was consequently offered the opportunity to write the script. The full statement is as follows...
"HOT FROM HELL! My friends, I have some news which may be of interest to you. A few weeks ago I had a very productive meeting with Bob Weinstein of Dimension Pictures, in the course of which I pitched a remake of the first HELLRAISER film. The idea of my coming back to the original film and telling the story with a fresh intensity - honoring the structure and the designs from the first incarnation but hopefully creating an even darker and richer film - was attractive to Dimension. Today I have officially been invited to write the script based upon that pitch.

It's good news and bad news really. Yes, it means another remake of a cult horror classic, but it cannot be denied that Barker's words are incredibly promising. Fresh intensity? CGI-lite? The return of Doug Bradley? All music to a fan's ears.
We can only hope therefore, that studio intervention remains minimal and that eventually, the above sentiment will come to fruition.
Stay tuned for more Hellraiser updates!
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