Friday 18 October 2013

News Update: The Walking Dead Mini-Doc!

The Walking Dead has returned to our screens this week, kicking Season 4 off with a promising first episode (you can read my review of it here). Now, if that wasn't enough for you Walker-loving patrons, a short documentary has also been made, celebrating ten years of this cultural phenomenon. Entitled The Walking Dead: A Decade of Dead, this twenty minute love-in charts the titular phenomenon, from its days as a graphic novel by Robert Kirkman, to its latest televisual adaptation. It also celebrates the talented artists Greg Nicotero and Charlie Adlard who bring the un-dead to life, in addition to the all-important fans that have kept this story alive for a decade. Check out the mini-documentary below...

Don't forget - you can catch weekly reviews of The Walking Dead on Wise Words...!

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