Thursday 3 October 2013

News Update: The Walking Dead, American Horror Story and Hannibal!

Breaking Bad is over. Dexter has died (well sort of... the quality of the show most certainly did). What is left for us television folk?! Lots, to be frank. Both The Walking Dead and American Horror Story: Coven start up this month and a few more promotional tid bits have been released during the past week or so.

Let’s begin with The Walking Dead, which returns to our screens on October 13th. In addition to the multitude of character posters released daily, three webisodes directed by Greg Nicotero have also been let loose on anticipating fans of the show in the run up to Season 4. Entitled ‘The Oath’, Nicotero has created these short snippets to provide us with a different window into the world that has encapsulated viewers thus far. He explains, 

"The webisodes give us a unique opportunity to see other parts of the ravaged world of ‘The Walking Dead’ while weaving in and out of our show. The crossover between ‘The Oath’ and ‘The Walking Dead’ ties in one of the most iconic images from the series, and gives us insights and history to yet another timeline"

Not to mention, it’s a nice opportunity to be reminded of the show's excellent effects work. Catch all three episodes below, courtesy of SpoilerTV.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Additionally, another promo for Season 4 has been released, one that, like those previous, effectively emphasises the continual threat Rick and the rest of the gang face – no one or nowhere is safe. Check it out below. 

Elsewhere in television, the opening credits for American Horror Story: Coven have finally been revealed. Both Seasons 1 and 2 of this delightfully creepy television programme have previously boasted opening credits possessing a distinctive, unsettling sensibility to say the least (season one remaining a personal favourite of mine), by combining eerie imagery with an obscure score. Can the same be said for this time around? Judge for yourself, although I can’t help but feel a little disappointed...

Nevertheless, anticipation for this season his high and American Horror Story: Coven will hit our screens on October 6th.

Lastly, it appears Bryan Fuller, the creator of Hannibal, has been a little busy recently. Even though the second season of the show is a long way off, he has nevertheless designed and released its first teaser poster. According to Fuller, it is representative of the mind of Will Graham, one of the show's leading protagonists. Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly, Fuller explains,  

"After a horrifying descent into madness in season one, this image ironically represents the perspective of a scrappier, clearer-minded Will Graham in season two.The scales have fallen from his eyes and he finally sees Hannibal Lecter for the monster he is"

And what kind of monster is that I hear you ask? Well according to Den of Geek, Lecter is a Wendigo – a demon of the Algonquian people associated with cannibalism. For those of you who saw the first season, you’ll remember this particular demon finally manifesting itself in the final episode. If you missed it, do not fear - this poster most definitely grants you a full view...

That's all the television news for now - stay tuned for the next update!

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